Against all odds, traveling solo has become the love of my life. I think it’s incredible and something that everyone should do at least once in their lives.
However, when it comes to photographing yourself. It’s been a progression, to be sure.
When you travel alone, one of the most rewarding experiences is realizing how much you can accomplish on your own. It is true that traveling with a friend, partner/spouse, or family member can make things go more smoothly, but solo travel forces you to overcome difficult situations on your own, often leading to greater self-confidence and awareness.
On my first solo excursion, I alternated between taking selfies and resting my camera on snowbanks. I have a system in place that ensures I always get images I like. And I felt it was about time I shared what I’d learned with the rest of you.
So here’s all I’ve learned about photographing yourself when traveling alone!
Add Your Intervalometer/Configure Your Remote
Once you’ve turned on your camera, it’s time to plan out how you’ll photograph yourself.
In situations where you aren’t right in front of the camera when you’re not directly in front of the camera.
Application/Remote Control
You simply connect it to your camera and start shooting. Then hit the button on your phone to snap a picture! Nowadays, most DSLR and mirrorless cameras have Bluetooth capabilities and apps that can be used as remote controls.
The benefit of using an app on your phone is that you don’t need to buy any additional equipment. They’re also often very simple to utilize. Then hit the button on your phone to snap a picture!
Example Of An Intervalometer
They’re frequently used for timelapse photography, but they’re also ideal for our needs!
This is due to the fact that you only need to click a button once and you don’t have to continue running back to your camera.
I normally take a picture every second for a minute with my intervalometer.
Then I can stay posing for a minute and have a tonne of images to select from!
Applying The Self Timer Functionality
If your camera does not have an app and you are unwilling to invest money, you can use the self-timer function on your camera.
However, this can quickly become exhausting. There are also fairly cheap Bluetooth camera remotes available, so I wouldn’t recommend it!
How To Take Self-Portraits While Traveling Solo: Equipment Required
Remote control – Amazon has a plethora of inexpensive Bluetooth remote controls for cameras.
Take self-portraits while traveling solo. They make photographing yourself much easier than utilizing the self-timer function. Also, investigate if your camera has a phone app that can be used as a remote. Camera backpack with all of this gear, you’ll need something to carry it all!
It offers fantastic, easily accessible side pockets for your camera and an extra lens, as well as a top pocket for other items or extra equipment. When traveling alone, a tripod is the most convenient option to shoot images of yourself.
The ultimate piece of equipment for solo trip photography is the intervalometer. You may program it to take a shot every second or so, eliminating the need to use a remote. This is the one I employ.
How To Take Self-Portraits While Traveling Alone: My Process
For a long time, I’ve been photographing myself when traveling solo.
I have it down to a science. Here’s how I recommend you snap images of yourself when you’re traveling solo.
How To Set Up Your Tripod
It’s time to start setting up once you’ve found your area!
My tripod is always the first thing I set up. Aside from its small weight, what I really like about the Backpacker Air is how quickly it sets up. Simply twist the legs, pull them out, then twist them again to lock them.
Unless I’m aiming to obtain an artsy low-angle image, I normally put up my tripod to its fully extended height. Then, attach your camera to the tripod’s top.
I’m going for an artistic low-angle shot, I usually extend my tripod to its full height.
Locating Your Spot
You can’t just stand somewhere and pass off your camera to someone, unlike when traveling with a group. Instead, you’ll have to put forth a little more effort.
When it comes to setting up a tripod with your camera, you want to choose a location that is convenient for you. In general, I try to avoid setting up my tripod in very populated areas.
Not only is it likely to obstruct everyone else’s path, but it’s also difficult to ensure that it won’t be stolen. Because you have to move away from your tripod when photographing yourself.
You don’t want to do it in a place where someone could walk by and grab it. I normally try to position my tripod to the side of the action.
When Taking lose-Up Pictures, Switch To A Wide-Angle Lens.
If, like me, you despise the selfie stick, consider investing in a wide-angle lens. You’ll be capable of striking a pose, compromising a camera adjacent on a smooth surface, and taking a photo of this thing. If you ever need a closeup here’s one of a Moomin, this method is ideal.
How To Set Up Your Tripod
It’s time to start setting up once you’ve found your area! My tripod is always the first thing I set up. What I adore about the Backpacker.
Unless I’m aiming to obtain an artsy low-angle image, I normally put up my tripod to its fully extended height. Its full extended height is just below the normal human’s eye level, making it ideal for straight-on shots.
Change Your Camera Settings
If you’re a skilled photographer who shoots in manual mode, use this time to fine-tune your aperture and ensure that everything looks excellent. Portrait mode is usually the best option if you’re still shooting on automatic!
A self-timer and a tripod are all you need to get some great shots even if you don’t have any additional equipment. Getting creative and thinking outside the box can lead to some truly unique perspectives.